


2011 - 2013



Brief Description:

ObsAIRve is a pilot service within the GMES program for Satellite based Earth Observation, focusing on preoperational service rollout in the GMES core service "Atmosphere". ObsAIRve continues experiences developed within European R&D projects, e.g. MACC and PASODOBLE. Additionally, obsAIRve includes urban data network providers which jointly deliver data into the EU Citeair project. Under ownership and guidance of the European commission obsAIRve wants to bring together available European wide air quality information presenting it on smart phones, Internet portals and mobile service platforms. Besides forecast and modeling, the Citeair data is presented with both, roadside and city background air quality which are presented as observation data within obsAIRve. . These data are presented by means of the Common Air Quality Index CAQI.

Service Provided:

Strategic support to project management and public awareness campaigns

Project Website:
